» What would you say if you were on TV? /blog news from outside Fri, 21 Sep 2012 15:48:14 +0000 en-EN hourly 1 The issue of nonviolent resistance in Liverpool /blog/the-issue-of-nonviolent-resistance-in-liverpool/ /blog/the-issue-of-nonviolent-resistance-in-liverpool/#comments Fri, 21 Sep 2012 11:27:30 +0000 Dora /blog/?p=35 Continue reading ]]> Gene Sharp wrote his From Dictatorship to Democracy in 1993 on how to challenge power, more particularly dictators.  He ended his preface with “Nor should this analysis be interpreted to mean that when a specific dictatorship is ended, all other problems will also disappear.”

Four ladies from Toxteth showed us how a small group can protest a democratic elected counsel who’s choices have destroyed a lively community. “But we are only allowed democracy as long as we don’t have any power.” Although this sounds radical, their protest didn’t start off from an ideological point of view but from a necessity to live in a neighbourhood you are proud to go home to.

On the other hand, in another interview, one woman is hoping students will stand up against the tuition fee, “take action”. But as she said, a lot has shifted on to the internet and we all tick boxes on facebook and we sit back and ask where this is going.

“The effect of nonviolent struggle is not only to weaken and remove the dictators but also to empower the oppressed.  This technique enables people who formerly felt themselves to be only pawns or victims to wield power directly in order to gain by their own efforts greater freedom and justice.  This experience of struggle has important psychological consequences, contributing to increased self-esteem and self-confidence among the formerly powerless.” (Gene Sharp) 

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Tuition Fees- something worth to talk about on TV. /blog/tuition-fees-something-worth-to-talk-about-on-tv/ /blog/tuition-fees-something-worth-to-talk-about-on-tv/#comments Thu, 20 Sep 2012 10:13:25 +0000 Dora /blog/?p=30 Continue reading ]]> In spite of Nick Clegg’s pledge to oppose all university tuition fee rises, new students are now to pay a maximum of £9000. A rise of £6000 a year. And it seems this rise has not only consequences for the students in Liverpool.  Cab drivers, restaurants and pubs seem to suffer some income loss as the students are more carefull spending their money.

As one of the interviewees said, these are the choices the society stands for, should taxes be raised or should the state retreat from university funding.

It is said that 7,7% less students have applied for university.

According to Rebecca Ratcliffe (in The Guardian), “It doesn’t come as a surprise that people from lower economic groups are put off by higher fees, but the reason we have loans, bursaries and grants available is to make university accessible. It’s a concern that this message isn’t getting across. (…) University isn’t the right choice for all students, but noone should be put off applying because of short term financial concerns.”


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